My roomate's wonderful friend, Lexi, lives in Scotland and gave us a place to stay for the weekend. I'm afraid I was very, very lazy this weekend, guys. That whirlwind trip to Paris left me exhuasted. We didn't do anything touristy at all in Scotland. However, Lexi and her family did take us to the horse races, which was a blast.

We bet on a horse that Lexi's friend was riding:

And he won! Well, second place. So we won 3 pounds on a 2 pound bet, haha. (Scotland uses the pound also, not the Euro. A pound is roughly twice a US dollar.) But now I can say I won the horse races in Scotland. :) Here is our horse jumping:

The next morning we woke up late and went horseback riding.

My roomate, Lauren, has horses at her house also so she and Lexi taught me a little bit:

I look a little ridiculous here but I sure had fun. Then we tredged through the most terrifying field of mud:

It was like quicksand! You had to move fast. We ended up at this field:

So they could leave the two amatures behind (Mic and I) and ride at full speed through the valley, haha.

And that was is for that trip, folks. That night we had to spend the night in the Glasgow airport due to some poor planning, haha. There was a mean tease in the train station on the way to the airport:

So close, yet so far away. But there was another Starbucks at the airport!! I stood outside of it from 5 am until the opened that morning and got myself once very fulfilling venti no water chai latte. :)

My roomate has discovered a wonderful way to negate the airport liquids-in-carryons rule. Evidently, the rules have recently changed to allow containers up to 100 ml in your carry on.

And film cannisters are wonderful litte air tight containers that are under 100 ml, and it doesn't say how MANY little containers you can have, haha. Just though I'd share that bit of ingenuity with you.

Then it was home to Florence and back to school. Next week I'll put up photos from Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius, more photos of Rome (I went in the collosseum this time), and pictures from the our upcoming Easter weekend in Corfu, Greece.
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