After months of uncertainty, failed papers and delay, I actually graduated!!!

And HILARY CLINTON spoke at MY graduation!!! I'm like a huge Hilary fan so I was just so astounded that she was speaking to an audience of which I was a member, the fact that I actually graduated hit me like an aftershock.

And we graduated in freaking Yankee Stadium (the new one, not the historic one unfortunately.)

Some other people said stuff, but we were too busy being obnoxious and eating pizza (Hey - the concession stands were serving food!) to hear what they were saying. Except Kimi, who fell asleep!

The infamous Will Lopez, who streaked last year's ceremony in a blaze of glory (though you usually do that once you actually have your diploma, sweetheart) was egging us on, but I have too much respect for Hilary. And, this year they seated all us art kids as far away from the speakers as possible, and put a bunch of extra security in front of us.

NYU gave me a stupid purple base-ball cap, and my mom got me graduation cracker jacks. It was a good day.

Fantastic graduation parties with my wonderful, amazing, fabulous best friends ensued:

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