It was a day of joy and revelry:

The most notable part of the day was an arrest of a young lady who was alleged to have hit a police officer with a pillow. I had heard an entirely different story, that she was having a seizure and was lying on the ground while the police were trying to get everyone out of the street, and they mistook her not moving for a protest. So we don't really know what happened, but thousands of people saw this happen:

For the most part, though, I think everyone, cops included, were enjoying the fun:

I got to smack all my best friends with pillows:

And witness misguided protests: (The other side says "We Waste Time." Not sure where she's going with that:

This vendor couldn't believe his good fortune at the thousands of hungry youngsters that flooded his remote spot under the FDR freeway:

I wasn't the only fearless filmmaker:

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